Thursday, October 12, 2006


It's been along 2 days but full of lots of laughs. I mean when you have a son like Justin there aren't many days that pass where we don't laugh or smile and then add Kayla into mix and well, let's just say there is never a dull moment in our home these days.

These last two days have been full of hurry up and wait..... hurry up get this form and then wait..... hurry up get that form and then wait........ Well, after spending over a week trying to get all my ducks in a row and thinking- I've done it - I've finally gotten all the forms and have everything ready we head out to get the last thing done before heading to Immigration. We have to get our passport photos... now mind you nothing really opens until after 10am here well, that's the official time but unofficially its more like 1030 or 11ish.... so we get to the shopping center where there are multiple shops that do passport photos and none of them actually do the pictures... like TAKE THE PICTURES... UGH! good thing I thought ahead and had my camera with me. So I do the "mom" thing and say no worries, I'll take the picture and then they can develop the pictures...

So the kids are like, mom don't tell us you have your camera and I was like, why yes I do... and then the kids were like, NO WAY you are not taking my picture in the middle of the mall and I said, Oh yes I am :) with a huge smile on my face and the kids say, where? looking to the left and to the right and smiling like AH HA we got her! but I say- see that post? they say yes? I say, well, when they built this mall they knew people would want passport photos taken and so they built it just for this purpose. It's the right size width and it's white. :) and then we can have those nice photo shops develop them for us..... :) Now smiling really big- the kids say- UGH hurry up before anyone sees us... Ofcourse Kayla eggs on Justin to make a goofy face and then Justin gets Kayla laughing so hard that it takes her for EVER to get serious.... UGH!

After 3 quick clicks okay 4 the kids didn't like the picture of me with glasses so they made me take them off.

We have our pictures and off we go to the photo shops.. .CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY ACTUALLY TOLD US IT WOULD TAKE 1 1/2 HOURS TO GET THEM DEVELOPED?! I about dropped to the floor right then and there ...... so I looked at another shop and THANK GOD for KODAC ( however you spell it) this store had one of those little machines that you just put your card in and wham you have your pictures developed. WHA LA.... we had our passport pictures and off we went to immigration! WAIT AN HOUR? HA- I did the snoopy dance for that one......

We arrived at almost 11am and that is late! so ofcourse there were already a gazzillion people before us and we were told put your name on the list and come back after lunch... but we didn't leave, we sat and waited until the group broke for lunch and then came back only to wait another several hours and be told you don't have one document - UGH off we go to get the one form the school forgot to give us. Thank goodness I didn't speak my mind because the law changed and they just found out about it so they knew exactly what I needed. :) Whew... I'm learning to hold my tongue ! :) and it paid off.. so back we go to immigration and waited again for another 40 minutes to be told sorry we won't take anyone else today comeback tomorrow....

So we we're back this morning and we waited 2..... 3... hours and then finally got called back only to be told we had to go to another building to do one last step... did that- paid the fine and then we waited again....... finally got called back ----Hee hee are you tired of this story yet? ;) well, we got the visas but not until 1:30 pm...

Now the funny thing that happened was this :)

I was driving the kids to school and they were like common Mom we've already missed 1/2 the day, let us stay home. I was like NOPE gotta go to school. Justin says, oh sure , fine , be that way, make us go to school and in the same breath says, mom what would you do if we skipped school? as if he planned my reaction : I looked at him through the review mirror and he smiles and says : gottcha! I was like, I never skipped school! Then out of the BLUE ( which by the way is kayla's way of saying HELLOW- I'm here too you know) she says : I'm too sool for tchool then busts out laughing in her hard belly laugh and says, did I just say that? - We then ofcourse started all laughing..... talk about a brain fart!

Well, that was my medicine for the day... I couldn't help but think as crazy and stressful as the trips to the Immigration are - I couldn't imagine a better day/ days than today or yesterday for that matter. I was able to spend some time with the kids and we laughed and talked and just really enjoyed the day even though it was at the Immigration office and all of us could think of other things we could be doing ..... it was still time I wouldn't want to lose!

So- instead of dreading that one thing you have to do~ think what amazing things will happen and guess what?

you might just find you enjoyed it more than you thought possible!

Here's to enjoying life !

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...