Sunday, March 11, 2007


The pollution in Chiang Mai is getting really bad. Just this past week they issued an alert for all residence to stay in and try not to breath the bad air... HA doesn't that sound funny.

The sky is orange right now and there are no blue sky's which usually are beautiful during this time of the year. For whatever reason the burning is much worse this year and thus the bad air quality.

"Chiang Mai residents, especially the elderly, children and people with respiratory problems, have been advised to avoid outdoor activities as the city's air pollution has reached a dangerous level. The Pollution Control Department yesterday issued an air pollution warning after its air quality gauging stations in downtown Chiang Mai detected a harmful level of small dust particles.
The level of dust particles smaller than 10 microns was measured at 197.7 microgrammes per cubic metre (ug/cu m) in the city yesterday, against an acceptable level of 120 ug/cu m.
''Chiang Mai's air quality has reached a critical level since last Thursday. We recommend that residents stay home to avoid exposing themselves to small dust particles. All burning activities are also prohibited to reduce the volume of dust released into the air,'' said the warning."

Hope tomorrow brings a breeze to help push some of the junk out of the area... Usually though it's the early early morning hours that prove to be the nicest.

Here's to breathing fresh air soon!


New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...