Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We head for the safety of Rohan and Helms Deep

The horse prints were still fresh as the riders of Rohan passed by this lake.
Justin stands where the people of Edoras fled the orcs for the safety of Helms Deep.

So we quickly made our way to Edoras the capital of Rohan.
To our amazement the Kings chambers and the village were no longer there.

So we climbed the mountain to try and find out what had happened.
Here I sit pondering the fate of the Roherians.
As I look over the plain where Gandalf road Shadow Fax towards Mt. Doom.
Justin and I stood amazed at the beauty that surrounded us.

Here Justin stands in the same place where Gandalf , Aragon, and Legolas sat on horses facing the capital Edoras.

Here is Justin looking off into the direction of Mt. Doom wondering what had become of the hobbits and the people of Rohan.

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...