Saturday, June 09, 2007

Graduation night

It was a great night and full of some fun moments. They had a rose ceremony where the kids actually come down from the stage and say goodbye to the parents and siblings. It is such a meaningful moment and so symbolic of what lies ahead. All week I've been thinking about him and just remembering the first day I brought him home and how exciting it was for us as a family. How excited Josh was to have a baby brother or sister. How proud we were as parents.

We are packing his stuff up now and are talking about what the states will be like for him after being gone for so long. I'm so thankful that we made the choice to allow him to study for one year in the states. It was a good decision and we do feel he is as ready as he can be to leave home to go to college.

This summer he hopes to go and work on the river with his brother for about a month or so. Then he'll leave to head to Arkansas for an TCK retreat where third cultured kids come from all over the world to attend this retreat. It's meant to deal with some of the issues that these young adults will face after having lived overseas. It was a great time for Josh our oldest and now Justin is looking forward to it as well.

I guess that is all for now... Justin is working hard to pack up his room and get his stuff whittled down to 2 trunks and 2 suit cases. This is is ofcours

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...