Sunday, August 05, 2007

Going back in time

I was going through some of our pictures and found some of these that really were pretty amazing pictures from Ephesus. I still can't believe we were able to make that trip. I am sure we will be, unpacking if you will, remembering things about this trip for years to come.

Here is one of the 7 churches. It was unearthed and left like this so we could see what the archeologist saw as they uncovered this amazing gate.

This is the Sacred road.... this is just amazing! I still am amazed and in awe of the fact that we had the opportunity to go and see these places where the first missionary journeys began.

This location is where they thought the school of Tyrannus could have been located. It is thought this is where Paul was trained.

I love this picture -

There are days I just can't believe some of the things the Lord has allowed our family do and see. These last few weeks have been anything but stress free and yet there have been so many times when the Lord has brought things to my mind to remind me that "this life" of missions is not without sacrifice. Not that we feel we have given up anything but there are sacrifices that are paid along the way, mostly I guess I'm thinking of our kids. Well, anyway, I wanted to share this with you because when we all start to feel like our service or dedication to the work wains...... its important for us to go back and look at all the amazing things we've been blessed to be apart of....

I know my blessings way our way the sacrifices......

love to all

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...