Saturday, August 18, 2007
These pictures are from Tiff Smith- she's a gifted rider.
When I saw these pictures I was reminded of STRIVING. What it means to strive the meaning is " to make great effort to obtain or achieve". I love horses and have every since I was a little girl. I love how pictures can cause us to think about things in our life and this picture made me think of striving.....
Life is really meaningless if we are not striving for something. This week I have been studying back through Eph. and in chapter 5 verse 9 says " for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth. verse 10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord".
This week I've been really pondering this and this picture captures that for me....
It's about Striving to be different... striving to do what is right not in someone else's eyes but doing what's right in GODS EYES.... this is what's important.. doesn't matter how many times one yells at you, ignores you, honks at you, seems to not see you in the crowd of only 2 but that you do what is right and live a life that is Pleasing to the Lord.
I love how the Lord uses these kinds of things to speak to me.. something as simple as a Picture.....
This last picture finishes it for me... I love this because as hard as we strive and as many times as we may fail in our attempts to do what is right - we know that we don't walk this road alone! We have a friend who walks with us... When everyone else falls away, HE"S ALWAYS FAITHFUL!
New Places and New Adventures
After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging. Here are just a few picture...
Hello All, While on Christmas break in the States Kayla and I got to go hunting at Mr. Watson’s farm in Alabama and after 3 evenings of hun...
Yes it's that time yet again! Dwayne was home with us for a little while and now he's back on the road. He left this morning for Lyn...