Saturday, December 08, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree ,Oh Christmas.....
Finally~ Kayla and I felt in the mood to get our Christmas Tree up! We got a late start but man was it fun. We went out to a Christmas tree lot and began the search for the best tree. Of course I think everyone else enjoyed our banter back and forth- Kayla - Mom this one! Me- Nope it's lumpy;... Me- Kay, here's one! Kay- Mom are you kidding, Look at that Bottom...
When I realized everyone else was having a laugh at us- One lady as she passed just giggled at Kayla's response to my choice of Tree.. I looked at her and said~ yeah, she's brutal! :)
Well, after crossing the Tree lot way too many times we gave the guys on the lot the chance to try and help us- the Light shone on " The Tree"..... Kay was like, Mom This is it! And man was it... Perfect... The guys were all like- Nice, Real Nice and ofcourse they were hitting on Kayla.... and one of the guy said, Man you say that about all the customers trees... They all bust out laughing and then he says, Yeah but I mean it this time! :)
Oh - next task, getting in the back of our Volvo! It was quiet cute to hear the guys bet if it would fit. Kay was a bit in agreement that it wouldn't fit.. but I was of the opinion- it would and thus the Would's won! :)
In the trunk and tied down we went on the search for a Christmas Tree Stand. Mind you we have several but they are in storage! No one in my family likes to listen to me- maybe I talk a bit much anyway thus they blow me off but here we are- now buying another tree stand! One day the others we have will come in handy? So I found one and off we go to our little humble abode and Kay and I are "woman" handling this tree out of the trunk and up our stairs into our apartment. Mind you the hardest and most frustrating thing was putting that STUPID Christmas tree stand together.. it almost robbed us of our JOY!
UP it goes... :) We couldn't hardly lift the tree. and Mind you our living room is oh about 10x18 feet wide and the tree is oh 5 feet wide. :) But it's perfect! :) We strung the lights and put a few of the ornaments we could find an buy and wha la! O" Christmas Tree , O Christmas tree.. sure wish I could remember the rest of that song! :)
It was a fun night the only thing missing was the eggnog and cookies to go with it.. Instead I had Taco Bell... WHAT's UP with THAT!
Oh- anyway fun and sad at the same time!
This is the first CHRISTMAS EVER that we ( Dwayne and I ) haven't be together to set up our Tree... I pray we don't have any more of those!
Well, Merry Christmas ALL!
New Places and New Adventures
After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging. Here are just a few picture...
Hello All, While on Christmas break in the States Kayla and I got to go hunting at Mr. Watson’s farm in Alabama and after 3 evenings of hun...
Yes it's that time yet again! Dwayne was home with us for a little while and now he's back on the road. He left this morning for Lyn...