Saturday, May 15, 2010


As you can see, we are updating our blog. I've kind of had a blogging crisis mostly due to the fact that it's just Dwayne and I now and in all honesty, it feels as though we are quiet boring. But after some time I think I've decided on the new look.

Intertwined.... is the new title. It is a picture of 2 things being twisted together / wrapped up in one another. Dwayne and I are most definitely intertwined, what one does the other is involved. We have separate jobs but yet very much apart of the others lives. It is exciting this new stage of life.

So, while you will hear news of our kids and their lives mostly this blog will be about us..
Dwayne & I!

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...