Thursday, September 27, 2007
Fall is finally here- it's starting to cool down and things are starting to feel like Fall is in the air. It's been a hectic summer and finally, we are going to begin to settle down and be a family that actually lives together; for more than just a few days. I look forward to being with Kayla full time without having to travel and for Dwayne to be home also without traveling!
This fall we have some exciting plans. We are going to make a trip up to see the boys. Celebrate a much belated Birthday with Justin and then maybe get to see the leaves changing colors. I can't wait! And ofcourse, Hunting season will be starting up and Dwayne is so very excited about it. Also we hope to go to an Auburn football game together as a family. :)
Kayla is busy in school and has a group of friends she hangs out with almost daily. She's so much more active then she was in Thailand but then she was a bit more involved in school activities. Anyway, she is doing well and settling into a routine.
A story about Kayla :
She felt the pangs of being a Student aide for one of her teachers. On one day a couple of weeks ago, the teacher was out for the day and the sub left the room for a moment and when she did, the students jumped up and seized the "Teachers" answer book. Kayla was watching this all happen and even made a noise like, eh hem...The students looked at her and said, "Don't say a word". Kayla said she was in shock that they said that to her. Ofcourse :) she then told them they had better put it back or suffer the consequences. Well- what took place next was Kayla talking to them and telling them that they had a choice. Tell the teacher or she will. They so didn't think she would but she gave them one week to tell him. On the last day she walked up to them and told them just before class, this is your last chance to do what is right. They were all stressed out and Kayla said, she almost let it go but then said, she couldn't not tell the teacher. She had a responsibility and she had to tell him. I was so proud of her! The kids didn't handle it too well though. Kayla said, one of the girls came up to her and asked if it was true that she ratted them out. Kayla said, No You made the choice to cheat. I made the choice to be honest!
YOU GO GIRL! Now that makes me so proud! :)
The boys are doing really well. Justin has done well and is learning how hard it is to keep money :) ! Josh told him it wasn't as easy as it looks. Hee hee... its kind of funny. Today we talked and he was like, I just don't know where it goes! I was actually looking at his checking account on line and I was like, hummmmmm what's this charge from such and such store? He was like, oh- that was my Halo game! Then I said, what about this one? He was like, Oh yeah I did go out to eat... I was like honey! You are just going to have to without until you get paid again! oh the lessons of young adult hood! :)
Josh is doing absolutely great! He's working and learning how to be self sufficient. I think he's really ready to graduate but that won't happen until December of 2008. He's doing well though and we are very proud of him.
I guess that is all our news for now! :) Like I said, we are pretty boring these days since it's just 3 of us and we aren't all together so that makes it pretty boring! :) Dwayne arrived in Auburn on the 16th and then :) we'll have some hunting news - I'm sure !
Here's to welcoming Fall in!
New Places and New Adventures
After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging. Here are just a few picture...
Hello All, While on Christmas break in the States Kayla and I got to go hunting at Mr. Watson’s farm in Alabama and after 3 evenings of hun...
Yes it's that time yet again! Dwayne was home with us for a little while and now he's back on the road. He left this morning for Lyn...