This is Louie the cat. Who belongs to some very dear friends of ours. Karla and Russell Minick. He has captured a Beast of a Rat.
I wanted to share a book I'm reading and thought this picture sums up my feelings at the moment.
I feel as though I'm on the verge of truly conquering the one thing that has been a sore spot for me for some 4 years or so. It's really one relationship which has been an on going issue. I can't really talk any more about it because the relationship is broken and reconciliation hasn't been completed. For us though we are open to it but what can one do if the other party is resistant? So about once a year I get bothered by it - only because there is so much I truly don't understand about it.
I do know this though the Lord has taught me so many things about myself. He's taught me that I have to learn not to vent to friends. Learning to hold my tongue even when I have an opinion and chose WISELY who I share my deepest and most personal struggles with. He's used this situation to show me that friends don't always last forever and that there are seasons of friendships. Trust shouldn't be so easily given. Sometimes we need to stand up for what is causing us to struggle and fall in our spiritual life, especially if what others are doing is directly impacting your life. Anger isn't a reflection of Righteousness. Forgiveness is SO VERY HARD- it isn't possible in my strength but as My father has forgiven me so must I forgive.
Gosh I could write a book about this- and to think one broken relationship has brought about all this growth! :) I guess I can't be sad about it for too long. But again- God is using this situation to grow me a bit more!
I pray one day- that this relationship will be restored. But not to what it was before the conflict. I would pray that it would be restored to something much more GOD honoring.
SO the book?
"Handling Difficult People" by Dr. John Townsend
You may be thinking that I chose this book for the title... Well honestly- I did but then the Lord convicted me and said, its all about you !
Me? Difficult? hummmmmm
Okay- what do I need to learn now?
:) Here's to being changed! I do hope I'm not the same person I was as a child and that I do go on to full maturity! - And so I also press on toward that mark, being truly transformed by my Lord Jesus Christ!
here's to change and being changed!
happy reading!