Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thoughts to Ponder

As I was getting ready this morning I grabbed my runners magazine and began turning the pages. I love these magazines because no matter how old they are the articles are always new and fresh. This morning I was in need of some inspiration because I was having one of those many thoughts of " should I just give up my aspirations of running a 1/2 marathon for my 40th birthday." Well, I read this article written in memory of a young high school student who died of heat stroke after running.

It was a sad article and one that should cause us all to be responsible runners and to be mindful that our bodies truly aren't invincible as we would like to think they are-

The father of this young man shared this about his son, " As on of the senior editors of the Albemarle High School newspaper, The Revolution, Kelly ( that's the young man's name) wrote a "goodbye" essay in the paper's May 27, 2005, issue..... ' I know it gets terribly old," Kelly wrote, " but 'attitude really is everything,' Your attitude is one of the few parts of life you actually can control, and by thinking and acting positively, you will overcome whatever curve ball life may throw you." Kelly Watt.

This made me think about Hebrews as I've been studying through it and how much our "attitude" really is the one thing that determines how we, respond to any given situation. WE who are believers of Christ have even a greater advantage because it means that we have even more will power behind what we do and say in our attitude. Because Christ gives us all the more courage and strength to do what we know we ought to do in life.

Now, how does that apply to my thoughts of giving up on running! Well, it's simple. I've set this goal because running has had such a significant part of my life. I've had memories from a young age running alongside and sometimes even ahead ;-) of my parents. Running in High School and then as an adult. It's been one of those sports that I have always loved and the joy it brings to my soul to know I've completed something for myself that benefits my body and soul is very rewarding and brings such gratification. Man, that's satisfaction. I know the day will come that my body may not be able to run any longer but I'm not there yet and so I need to adjust my attitude and begin to think about that goal and begin thinking positively about my goal and get to the task of meeting that goal.

So there you have it!

" but 'attitude really is everything,' Your attitude is one of the few parts of life you actually can control, and by thinking and acting positively, you will overcome whatever curve ball life may throw you." Kelly Watt.

Here's to a Positive Thinking Day and Resting in the Hope of Christ Jesus..... Who really supplies the strength and courage to think Positively........

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...