Sunday, January 28, 2007

More of the Soccer Tourni....

Just so you know, you can click the pictures to see them enlarged. :)

here are some random pictures of the soccer tournament....


This was an amazing shot... she was playing so well to have been recovering from her torn ligament.

After they received their trophy they hung out with friends. Here is Kayla with 2 of her best friends.

Here the team is getting focused for their final game....

Here is Dwayne tackling Kayla because she didn't want to give the DADDY some love! So he said he'd tackle her and make her say how much she loved him... when she was little he would tickle her until she said, "DADDY is the GREATEST".... or I LOVE YOU DADDY! she loved that game..... so today at the age of 16 he got her down and tickled her... except this time. :) she held back and wouldn't say it... ofcourse she loved being able to keep from saying it under her daddies tickling.. :)

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...