Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hump Day

It's Wednesday and we are half way through the week. Hard to believe it but we will be heading down south for an annual meeting next week. Time is going fast- Finally though I was able to get our house cleaned and up to snuff before leaving again! UGH- then it will be another huge cleaning job to get it back in shape for the next travel date.

Well today we had a friend over who is our boss really! It was nice to have some time with him and to just hang out, we don't get to do alot of that so we felt pretty blessed. Friday we are having some friends over for a BBQ - we're going to grill Wings.. Mmmmm sounds good eh?

Then Saturday we are going to chaperone the kids dance so we will be hanging out with the kids and we may take a turn on the dance floor once or twice:) . Then On Sunday we are hosting our House Church - So this has been one hectic week with just living life and really enjoying eachother and our friends.......

I thought I would just write some of the mundane stuff for ya. Nothing of great importance just plugging along and having a good ole time.....

talk at ya'll later!


oh- for those who have Croc's- check out this site:

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...