Thursday, February 15, 2007

Leaving On A Jet Plane

We ( Dwayne and I ) arrived at our meeting place in the south of Thailand and the kids ( Justin and Kayla ) will arrive on Saturday. We are really looking forward to this meeting. We have already heard so many stories of how the Lord has provided and taken care of things that we are really excited to see what HE has for us during this time.

Please join us in praying for this next week - that we would all be challenged to grow up in the LORD.

With that said, let me just share my sob story.

In preparing for this meeting we had to put together a power point presentation for Justin. This presentation will be shown at a special Senior Recognition on Monday night. It's a special time for friends of the families and the graduating seniors to come and recognize those who will be graduating from High school. Well, we were thinking about the song to use for Justin's power point and I had 2 that I really liked. The first was by rascal flatts : My wish and then the other was Steven curtis chapman : I believe. Well, as the song " I believe" is playing I just bust out crying.... It hit me right between the eyes..... He's graduating....

mind you, I know he's graduating but it finally has hit me that he's going to be leaving home - Oh- I can hardly think about it and wouldn't you know it the memories just flood back into my mind of his sweetness and gentle spirit. Well, needless to say, I will be carrying lots of tissue with me as we go to Recognize Justin .....

Oh and did I mention that I came down with a BAD cold/cough the day we left Chiang mai and Kayla also came down with a stomach virus... YEP.... it is so! So goes life -

Well, I'll close for now but I'll post pictures of our week as I take them...

love to you all

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...