Thursday, June 14, 2007

A run for the Border

Yesterday we took a road trip in the midst of one crazy week. I'm glad we did but it was pretty tiring. We had to leave the country in order not to overstay our visas... So we made the 3 hour trip to the Burma border and had some fun along the way.

Here were some of the highlights:

Melissa- " UH... do you hear that noise?"
Dwayne, " yeah it's cool isn't it! "
Melissa- 'NO- it's the car telling you - slow down you are taking the turns too fast! "
Dwayne, " What? I'm only going 100 km.
Melissa, " 100km around the MOUNTAIN CURVE?"

Another scene.....

Having the kids in the car made it for some fun moments. Like remembering back to when they were really little and we would have road trips.....
These things were always present:


Here's how it played out on our trip:

Justin: Do we have to drive up and stay the night? ( whining)
Kayla: Why do we have to go now, why can't we go later on..... ( uh hello... our visa is going to expire?) ( complaining)
Melissa: Slow down! Oh my gosh.... sigh... I can't watch..... ( Whining, complaining depended on the moment)
Dwayne: Every time you do that you take a day off my life! (referencing my back seat driving) ( ummmm complaining)
Justin and Kayla: Don't sit on me ; no don't sit there either, I was here first, You sat there the whole way here ! , I want to lay down too. MOM- tell him to move, (fighting)
Kayla and Dwayne: I'll hold her(me) you do : Dracula.... ( laughter) Now do tickle monster.... ( more laughter)
Dwayne: Picks up salt shaker on table at breakfast- shaker breaks for no apparent reason- look on waitress is priceless... (Laughter)
Justin : I have to be back by 12 this afternoon! I am a person of integrity- ( fighting) mean while we have just heard this important bit of information - it causes a bit of stress and frustration on the Mom and Pop!
Dwayne: speaking to the immigration guy at the Burma border- I don't have another 10 usd. That one will have to do! I don't care that it is torn, why should you? ( frustration, not quite fighting)
Melissa: I can not believe they can't take that bill ( after searching we find some ones and a five) , I mean if it is good enough for the US GOV. it should be good enough for the Burmese GOV.( frustrated)
Justin: Do we have to walk this far? Can't we turn around and go back to thailand ! ( Complaining)
kayla: I don't want to look at these Stones! Can we go sit in the car! No justin! I'll get the keys! (complaining, fighting)

in the car heading home......

peace and quiet-
Justin and Kayla......... "sleeping"

Now this is when Dwayne and I look at each other and notice the kids are fast asleep. I tell him, This trip is now complete! He looked at me a bit puzzled and I said, Well, we had the complaining....... whining.... fighting.... wrestling..... laughing..... and now we have the sleeping.....

Reminds me of the days when the kids were little....

Dwayne says: Well that just goes to show you that we all have a kid still in us!

We had a good time together and even though we did have all those things going on it wouldn't be the same without them.... :)

What a great memory

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...