Sunday, February 11, 2007

paint ball

I think I blogged about this a while back but haven't had time to really post.

Here are some pictures of our SoJo's house church having some fun. We all went to play paint ball. It was the kids against the Adults.. I've never played so I was a bit nervous about being hit. I know that doesn't sound like me but I was a bit anxious about the pain. After all, I've seen the marks those things leave on the kids - I wasn't looking forward to them at all. Mind you. Our kids are like, let's get the ADULTS. I think they out numbered us 3 to one... easy!

So we played and Whooped the socks off them.. HA! That ah teach ya to trash talk us.. we had a lot of fun.

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...