Wednesday, March 07, 2007


On a day like just about every other day. We began getting ready for church. I was about to turn 20 and life was looking pretty calm for once. It was early and my parents needed to get to church because they headed up the singles department. Everyone filed in the class slowly and I was helping my parents out in the welcoming area. It was time to go in to class and there before me sat a blonde headed blue eyed guy who was definitely a fresh new face. :) I sat down and he said hello. :) Now this is where the story gets interesting. I remember coming in the room and sitting next to him. He remembers coming in the room and sitting next to me... :) Anyway, how ever it happened... we began Sunday school and ya want to know what I noticed first about this guy? Okay the blonde ( short) hair and blue eyes but that was just a ah moment. What first grabbed my attention was that this guy had good eye sight! :) lol .. that's how NOT looking I was! I had just come from a string of not so great guys and I was so ready to just let the LORD pick the next one out for me.......

Well, the story continues on and the next week he was back. This time he asked me out for lunch. It was a good day and we enjoyed each others company. So much so that he asked me to join him the following week for a flight party he had to attend. Did I mention he was in flight school at Ft. Rucker? I tried to get out of it but he was persistent. That night something happened and it was as if the Lord said, " This is Him".....

I know second date, 3rd meeting? How can that happen?........ When God spoke I was like, Nah..... I'm hearing things.. but I did hear and I did come home and shut the door and I remember thinking to myself, I could marry this guy? It seems like I told my parents but I'm not sure - if I actually spoke the words or if God and I were still having this conversation......

That night as he brought me home we began walking. Each night we closed our dates with a walk through some neighborhoods. In one yard there sat a swing facing the street and it was as if it was meant for us to sit in it and begin the journey of courting. I remember talking about tough things like raising Josh and life together. I remember thinking about what life would be like with a man who loved the Lord and who seemed so strong and well grounded in the things of God. What struck me straight away was this was the first guy I had dated who wasn't afraid to ask me the tough questions. He prodded me to dig in the word and seek truth. He prayed with me. He asked to hold my hand~! NO Kidding! I was so struck by his what seemed to be genuine care that I just couldn't help but pray and thank God for, if nothing else, allowing me to see that there were guys out there that were worth dating and that maybe just maybe I would be blessed with someone as amazing as Dwayne.....

Today, as I was washing the dishes in the kitchen I looked out the window and there sat our swing. It isn't the swing that started our long talks and journey with one another but it is precious none the less. I'm not sure if when Dwayne built this swing he was doing it in memory of the very swing we sat on and talked almost 20 years ago but Today, it reflected back to me the memories of our first walk and the journey God started us on as Husband and Wife.

I've looked at this swing for months now. Sat it in it and talked with Dwayne sitting next to me. Today- for whatever reason the Lord flooded my mind with thoughts about our beginning. It's amazing almost 20 years later, and some very difficult roads, some huge valley's and amazing mountain tops we are More in LOVE today than we were the day we married.

I am so BLESSED! Blessed beyond measure and while there have been times I've wondered what did I do :) as I know he too has said probably a few more times than I... :) God has seen us through those times and we are stronger and bound together in ways that I could have never imagined....

So Today I just wanted to reflect on how Blessed I am to have my Husband walk this journey of life with me....

Lord thank you

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...