Thursday, May 10, 2007

Boys what a blessing....

Colleen thanks for sharing these with me :)

As I read the email you sent I was reminded of so many memories.. so I thought I would reflect and share some of our family memories and some that are of cousins as well. :)

I can remember while living in Alabama getting a phone call from Stacy and she shared what happened with Bubs. She said, it was the grossest thing ever and believe me I cringe at the memory of her telling it to me. But it will be forever etched in my memory as one of those never to forget moments! I'm sure she will never forget it either. Well, anyway, I can't remember every detail as I am sure she can but basically, picture this but with a lizard and it isn't just to put it in his mouth but he was actually eating it! YUCK okay I said it... image be gone! :)
*** edit- Okay so my memory is getting bad.. :) it was my nephew Timothy that ate that Lizard not Christopher ***

Oh... the JOYS of raising boys... :)

Potty training boys was pretty easy. This picture reminds me of back when we were in Seminary in Wake Forest and Justin was oh about 6 years old. He had just started Kindergarten and loved to be outside. We had a rule no playing inside if it was nice out. So the boys played as only boys can do. They had their adventures and forts and all the good things boys do.... One day, he came in and Kayla was right behind him. She was 5 at the time. She told me Justin did something really bad. I was like what did he do... ( he was always up to mischief that one) and she proceeded to tell me he had to go #2.... I was like, oh know.. did he have an accident? She was like, NO! He went to the bathroom outside... I was like, well, that is okay it happens sometimes.. She said, Not where he went! Yep, you mom's know that sinking feeling.. I said the words, I wish I hadn't said, Where did he go? She said, outside Danilyn's window. YIKES! ....

A mom's job is never pretty when it comes to potty training!

Well, this one brings back smells and the such to my mind. I have so many fond memories as kid racking the leaves and doing just this.. flying into them... What fun. Well, while we lived in Alabama when the kids were really young we had a small farm and every fall we raked the leaves and allowed the kids to play in them. One time the kids were playing with their daniel boon hats and guns that they got from the Cracker barrel probably from their grandparents :), and they were playing hard. Well, in comes Justin and Josh.. Shouting.. WE shot it ... we shot it.. I was like slow down... what did you shoot? Josh said, we hit it with our sling shots... come look they said! So out we go... there on the ground was a small mole.. knocked out cold!

The boys proceeded to tell me how they shot it and that they were hiding in their forts ( make shift leaf piles and old broken down wheel borrows) and they saw it and aimed and shot it.... I went to pick it up and up it jumped and scurried off. The boys thought they were so cool.. they talked about that mole for days and tried as they might to hit another one but they never saw another mole again! :)

This brings back several memories... The first is of Kayla and Justin- they were to mischievous kids when they played. Usually it was Justin who lead the way. The first memory is of Justin and Kayla sneaking into the frig. to sneak butter. I didn't realize this though until I went to make some Cinn. toast for the kids. Which was and is their favorite breakfast food. So they were all sitting at the table waiting and talking away... I said, uh oh... there's a problem! Somethings been eating the butter. I carried the tub into the dining room and Justin had that look he gets when he's guilty and kayla just started laughing and said, yes mommy, we ate it.. I looked at her and said, you've been eating this? And she said, yep! We like butter uh Justin? Then Justin starts in and well, needless to say, I couldn't help but smile and get grossed out all in one moment! We had a rule from that moment on... No more butter unless you ask and then I'd fix them some butter on bread.. :) that was the first thing they learned to make on their own actually.. they really loved it! Comes from the Hughes side of the family! :)

The other memory I have is when the kids would go to visit Grandma Hughes in Florida they had a drawer in the kitchen that they could play in. I remember both Kayla and Emily spending countless times in there just beating the pans and playing with all the different things in that drawer...

Great moments as Mom's and Grandma's...........

This wasn't a fond memory- I can't believe all these are about Justin but he was our most mischievous. - Well, anyway, we still tell this story all the time. There was a time when Dwayne was home and Justin was inthralled with the light socket. He kept going up to it and trying to put his fingers in it. He was only 12 months/ 15 months old. So his little fingers could have gotten a shock especially since they were alway wet from being in his mouth! So, anyway, Dwayne would go up to him and pick him up spank his hand and say no jussy... you can't touch the light socket and move him away from it. Justin would cry and then turn to go right back to that darn light socket. This went on so long that finally Dwayne was like, Can you believe this? I can't keep slapping his hand - it will be bruised.. he just won't stop! :) I smiled and grabbed the camera. We have that moment preserved somewhere in our picture collection in the states.

He did finally get distracted and no he wasn't spanked hard but he got his feelings hurt because he cried so hard.... Even as the tears were falling his last attempt which warrented his dad's out cry - justin turned to look at his dad with those big tears and reached out for that darn light socket one last time.

A moment for the Dad- never to forget that boys are hard headed.... :)


I look at this though and just laugh ... Oh the joys our children bring us are too many to count!

Hope this made you reflect on the joys of motherhood, the joys of being grandparents, and the joys of being a father or grandfather...

We are blessed ~

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...