Monday, May 14, 2007

The Month of May

This month has been so full of so many emotions - I wish I could share all that has been going on but I really can't. All I can really say is that it has been FULL in good ways and bad. It's life though and that is what makes me want to reflect now at the 1/2 way mark I just felt like I needed to write a little something about Family........

This is our last month with Justin in our home as our child. He'll be graduating from High school in just 3 weeks time. For those who just cringed at my first sentence :). Of course just because or kids have graduated from High school doesn't mean they are not our children any more but for our family it is a transition to adulthood. They are not only graduating from being in High school but they are also graduating into that place between being a Teenager and becoming an adult. It's really about 3 years of what I like to think of as Adult in training. Josh will be in our eyes an Adult come August 13th. It's been amazing to see him mature over these last 2 years as he went off to college. He's matured in ways that he would never have matured had he not left for College and we his family are so very proud of the Young Man he has become, the Adult he is.

It's drawing close for Justin, just 3 short weeks. I can't even put to words my emotions; they truly are all over the place in good ways though:) . Like Josh, Justin is really excited about this next step towards adulthood and why shouldn't he be? We have been training him for this day since he was born. Josh had a bit more experience in the way of being away from family and dealing with the feelings of being out of the home and coming home and feeling like things have moved on with out him and then trying to fit back into home life again. Now Justin will go through those changes and feelings. It's never easy going from one set of rules then back to "mom and dad's " house rules;-) right Josh :) . I know Josh really taught me some things this past christmas in this area. It's not easy for him to be on his own and acting in responsible ways and then to be told what to do and when to do it and then for his "MOM" to ask him if he has brushed his teeth... Okay some things are hard to stop!:)
HA ! anyway, I look forward with great anticipation for this next farewell and yet with much trepidation as well.

I guess I'm not going to be able to write much on those as my emotions are at the surface even as I write. But if you're a mom, you can understand the feelings and emotions that go with seeing your child prepare to head off to college and enter that final stage before they are on their own for good. I have so loved this new stage with Josh and I feel so blessed to be able to talk to him as a peer and to hear him give me advice and to share his feelings about things. I also love it when he calls me Mom and asks for help that only I can give :). I really don't know how my mom managed when I left home. I was so independent and so self reliant that it had to have crushed her heart to not have me "need" her in the way that I've experienced Josh needing me. I regret that I wasn't more mature in my behavior and unfortunately for me :(... I suffered from not having reached out - So Mom- I am sorry! :) However :) I've made up for it over these past 4 years :) .... ( Ofcourse, Dad, you are also included in this too. )

Anyway, I just wanted to share with all of you who are just starting this journey of Motherhood and for those who are farther along than I... you're entering the grandparent stage and could in the next 3-5 years be GREAT grandparents... wow-- we are so blessed to be able to experience these things even if they are hard at times...

So, Here's to being Parents and for all that involves.. the good, the bad and even the ugly.... We've sure had more Good than the other and for that :) I'm so very thankful!

Justin- Study hard son as you get close to the finish line! Don't forget to kick it in at the end and finish this race(High School) well! But be prepared the next race is much bigger and it will require much of you... No worries though we, your family, know you can do it and will do well !

We love you !
Mom and Dad

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...