Thursday, April 26, 2007

As promised pics from New Zealand

Justin and Dwayne enjoying their trip....

This is one of Justin's Senior Pictures he really likes this picture of him standing under a really cool looking tree in Hobbiton.

Justin wanted to learn how to fly fish and I think he is hooked... no pun intended :)

This is just one of Many pictures they took - Justin told me that while they were taking these pictures they were like, no one will be able to really appreciate the beauty because there's no way a picture can capture it all.... I think they may be right!

Justin told me that Dwayne was so thrilled to get to see a penguin. They had seen a penguin on the road " road kill" as they drove past it they said, wait, wouldn't that be just awful if that is the only penguin we see ..... They had a good laugh but they were very relieved to get to see some alive and waddling around..

So here's Dwayne doing his Penguin impression- Isn't he the cutest thing ever! ( that's my man!)
Here they are having some fun along the way- Video is coming soon! what a hoot!

You know Justin, he took advantage of every moment to make his Dad smile. That is one of the things I love about him, He's got a great sense of Humor.

Yep, here he is hiding again.

Justin said, he asked his dad to stop along the road and video taped him asking the Lama , " Excuse me do you know where the Mc Donalds is?" they were pretty hungry at the time and they thought that was really funny. Little did they know how friendly these lama's were and once they started talking to them it was like Mr. Dolittle- talking to the animals.

Ofcourse, once Justin knew he had an audience he took advantage of the moment to really make it worth while. He said he got out of the car and noticed some deer in the field off to the right- video to come soon- and he began talking and as he talked they began running toward him. He was like, Dad- you getting this? Ofcourse they were both laughing and then Justin holds out his arms and says, " Come to me, come to me my little friends" and yep they come alright. Justin said at one point he was actually a bit worried just how close would they come! :)

-Beauty of New Zealand-

Here are some pictures of the scenery. Every time the boys called or wrote they would just keep saying to me- The grass is GREEN and the Views are magnificent at every turn. They were so right. Here are just a few of their Favorite pics....

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...