Monday, April 16, 2007

Hospital stays.....

It was meant to be a day of rest before the boys returned home from their trip to New Zealand. However, at 10pm it started out with throwing up and all that crud that goes with a bacterial infection, which we think was from food poisoning. Wish I could say it was someone else's food but it was my very own. I had sat some food out for the kids to eat and had sat a bowl of salad that was not to be eaten by the sink - I had said don't eat the salad but Kayla didn't hear that part. She ate it and said it tasted fine. But with in a few hours it wasn't fine at all...

We headed to the Hospital at around 1:30 am when she started running a fever and her tummy was as hard as a board. I was really afraid of appendicitis because it only seemed to be getting much worse.

Upon arrival at the Hospital we realized that Kayla had lost 7.7 lbs from 10pm - 1:30am... No wonder her body was hurting... They admitted her and began treating her aggressively. By 8am she was feeling less pain and by 5pm they felt she could go home but only if we promised that if her fever came back we were to bring her back to the hospital immediately. So we agreed. She is now resting and doing so much better......

Nothing like getting that day of rest! :)

I'm just so thankful that she is doing better and I'm also glad we acted fast and she was able to get medication to help her body fight off the infection.

Our God is so Good!

New Places and New Adventures

After so much time away it feels refreshing to be back at blogging.  Here are just a few picture...